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Maintaining balance is never easy and becomes harder with consultant life.
Presentation from a workplace menopause consultant.
I have found my colleagues to be highly-dedicated, caring, inspiring individuals.
I am a cardiologist and in January 2020 I chose work more flexibly to provide childcare for my 3 children who were 1, 6 and 8 years at the time.
“Work-life” balance flexibility has been one of the most important commodities for me.
My non working days have allowed me time to have head space.
The reward in overcoming obstacles is an immensely exciting, multifaceted and fulfilling career.
It allows more time for CPD and reflection and I would definitely recommend it!
In my day, having children and following a career in Intervention were really discouraged.
Short article description to give a flavour of what the full article will have in it.
Dr Merzaka Lazdam is a Cardiology Consultant with subspecialty interest in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Device Therapy.
Balancing our professional responsibilities and childcare (with our growing family and number 2) has been challenging but we have made it work for us.