
Role Models: Electrophysiology

Dr Merzaka Lazdam

Dr Merzaka Lazdam is a Cardiology Consultant with subspecialty interest in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Device Therapy at Glenfield Hospital in Leicester. She previously worked as a Locum Consultant Cardiologist at the Golden Jubilee Hospital and the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow for a year. She completed specialist training in Cardiology at the East of England Deanery and sub-specialist training in Cardiac Electrophysiology at Papworth Hospital and an Electrophysiology Fellowship at Glenfield Hospital. She was awarded a DPhil in Cardiovascular Medicine from Oxford University funded by NIHR BRC.

Most of her time is spent in cardiac rhythm management with general cardiology commitments on the cardiac wards and out of hour on-call. She carries out a variety of invasive cardiac procedures including insertion of cardiac implantable electronic devices and catheter ablation for simple and complex cardiac arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia and arrhythmias in patients with adult congenital heart disease using different electro-anatomical mapping systems.

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